Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keeping an eye on your salt usage/levels?

The on site maintenance of a Water Softener is pretty easy. Sometimes too easy. Other than adding Salt to a Brine Tank , and maybe setting a clock, there’s not much for an owner to do. That lack of on site maintenance can often be confused with not having to pay attention to what’s right in front of you. For more information on Water Softening and Softener Maintenance please visit our website at http://floridasoftwater.com.
The reason that I say “too easy” is because it is not unusual for some customers to just keep their brine tanks full and forget what they are really attempting to do. It’s not enough to just keep your Brine Tank full of Softener Salt. In fact if you have an efficient Demand Water Treatment System you might never want to completely fill your Brine Tank. It is just as important that you see the Salt dropping down in the Brine Tank as it is to add Salt.
If Salt sits still in a Brine tank for too long it will start to slowly dissolve due to Humidity. The weight of this partially dissolved Salt pushing down upon itself can cause a bridging effect. This will stop the salt from dropping down in the Brine Tank.  Although there are many reasons why a Brine Tank might bridge, the most common ones are too much salt, and not enough water consumption.
If the Salt stops being consumed by the Softener that is a sign that there is a problem in the system, not a sign that everything is all set. Eventually the system will fail.
One easy solution is to keep a log near your system and journal all of your interactions with your system.  Over time you will know how much Salt you use on average, and if you vary by more than 20% on average call your Water Treatment Company for service. It is best to call for service soon, before the equipment becomes seriously damaged.
Thank you for your continued support of Florida Soft Water. We truly appreciate your business and referrals. If you have any Water questions please visit our website at http://floridasoftwater.com or call 239-354-0915.  

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